Do you understand your business finances? Have you ever wondered how healthy your financial management systems are? Are they sufficient? Are they in good shape or is there serious problems?
Research indicates that 9 out of 10 businesses do not celebrate their 1st anniversary. One of the key factors that contribute to this high mortality rate is lack of systems and founder syndrome.
Many small and medium enterprises are setup with founders who have no holistic business management skills. It is reported that the typical owner or managers of small businesses develop their own approach to management, through a process of trial and error. As a result their management style is likely to be more intuitive than analytical, more concerned with day-to-day operations than long-term issues, and more opportunistic than strategic in its concept.
We have a passion for supporting such enterprises and seeing them thrive and be sustainable ventures.To this end, we support business owners and mentor them to set up sustainable financial and business management systems.
For those that will attend this Management of Business Finances Session, you will be entitled to a free Financial Health Check that will identify the areas where you need to improve.
Management of Business Finances seeks to equip owners and directors of businesses which have been operational for more than 1 year with knowledge and skills on Financial Planning & Management
- Session 1: Break Even, Pricing & Costing
- Session 2: Essential Financial Systems & Controls
- Session 3: Effective Cashflow & Working Capital Management
- Session 4: Financial Management & Decision Making
- Session 5: Tax Planning Basics
Fee: Ugx100,000 for each of the 5 sessions.
Duration : 5 sessions of 2 hours each

RSVP +256 782305125/ 759330706 (Limited slots available)