Page 217 - Uganda Health Care Directory 2024
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The Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda ( PSU) is the professional body Council-assigned supervisor.
for pharmacists in Uganda. The PSU council is mandated under the 4. Pass the PSU Pre-Registration Exams after completing the
Pharmacy and Drugs Act to secure the highest practicable standards internship period.
of Pharmacy practice in Uganda. Direct university entrants from A-Level system must have obtained
a Principal Pass in both Chemistry and Biology for PSU council to
Our mission as a society is to advance the pharmacy profession recognize their degree for PSU membership.
through strengthening training, promoting professional competence,
ethical practices, and members' welfare, leading to improvement of Alternative Admission Channels into the Bachelor of Pharmacy
the quality and use of pharmaceuticals, advancement of patient care, Degree Program recognized by PSU council include:
and safeguarding of the health of the public. 1. Holders of a Diploma in Pharmacy recognized by Allied Health
professionals Council
We envision being the leader in ensuring professional excellence and 2. Holders of other diplomas in health-related elds other than
securing the highest standards of pharmacy practice in the region. Diploma in pharmacy must have a principal pass in chemistry at A
Our core values include integrity, trust, excellence, commitment, level. Those holding diploma in health discipline other than
leadership, innovativeness, accountability, and transparency. pharmacy but did not go through A'Level and / or went through
A'level obtained principle pass in biology and a subsidiary Pass in
The council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda regulates the Chemistry must obtain a Higher Education Access Certi cate
practice of pharmacy, arranges for qualifying examinations, works -Biological sciences to re-orient them from clinical to chemical
with Uganda national council for higher education to accredit training disciplines before admission into the BPharm degree program.
institutions. 3. Mature Age Entry Exam for bachelor of pharmacy at UNCHE
approved centers.
Internationally, we subscribe to the principles and standards of the
International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), a rming our commit- All pharmacy students pursuing accredited bachelor of pharmacy
ment to global best practices and collaboration. program in approved universities are required to annually register
with the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda. To register, please visit
To be admitted as a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of our website and download the registration form.
Uganda, an individual must:
1. Hold a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree from a recognized university In Uganda, only subscribed members of PSU with a valid Certi cate of
approved by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education Membership and a Certi cate of Practice from PSU are authorized to
(UNCHE). practice as Pharmacists. If for any reason, one ceases being a member
2. Sit and pass the PSU Pre-Internship Examination set by the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda his or her name is deleted
adminstered to graduates of pharmacy. from the register of Pharmacists.
3. Successfully complete 12 months internship training under a
Secretary PSU Dr. Lutoti Stephen, addressing PSU Members at the AGM Attendees at the PSU AGM
For more information on our services, membership, and activities, please visit our website or contact :
Pharmacy House, Plot 1847 Kyambogo Banda, P.O.Box 3774 Kampala Uganda. Tel: +256 414 348 796 / +256 392174280