Page 224 - Uganda Health Care Directory 2024
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Tel:       0772 754027
               Mengo Hospital, Plot 71, Sir Albert Cook   Human Mechanic Physiotheraphy Limited
               Road.                          Plot 103B, Atlantis Elegance Apartments  Angal: Blood Collection Centre
               P.O. Box 7161, Kampala         Tel:   0759 838391             Nebbi Hospital
               Tel:    0414 270222 ; 0414 270083                             Tel:   0752 574213
               Email:  Kampala Physio Clinic                     0784 312796
                                              Off Prince Charles Drive, Moyo Close, Kololo
               Mid City Eye Care              Tel:   0705 124337             Fort Portal: Fort Portal Regional Blood Bank -
               Central, Plot 3, Jinja Road    Email:  Next to Buhinga Hospital
               Tel:   0777 725166                                            Tel:   0483 422249 ; 0772 552732
               Email:     Lamalo Physiotheraphy
                                                                             West end of the Hospital
               Millennium Optics Limited      Plot 42, Naguru Drive, Inside The Surgery  Gulu: Gulu Regional Blood Bank - Northern
                                                     0794 634845 ; 256 717 221 693
               Johnstone Street                                              Tel:   0702 913442
               Tel:   0414 667739 ; 0758 991841  Orthotech & Physical Rehabilitation International.
               Email:  Hotel Equatorial Shopping Mall, Suite 14  Hoima: Hoima Blood Collection Centre - Ho-
                                              Tel:   0414 231694 ; 0772 583619  ima Regional Referral Hospital
               Najaf Opticals                                                Tel:   0776 312165 ; 0772 605226
               Capital Shoppers Complex, Ntinda  Phillip Group
               Shop No. 07, Nakawa-Ntinda Road  Kanjokya Street, Kanjokya House, 1st Floor  Jinja: Jinja Blood Collection Centre
               Tel:    0701 617128 ; 0718 946652  Tel:   0392 177018 ; 0772 057098  Jinja Regional Referral Hospital
                                              Email:  Tel:   0703 895490
               Optica Limited
               Cooper Road, Acacia Mall,      Physique Physiotheraphy Services  Kabale: Kabale Blood Collection Centre - East
               Shop F107A/F107B               Plot 86, Kanjokya Street, Kamwokya  of UNRA offices
               Tel:           0760 908240 , 0790 201077  Tel:   0414 220668 ; 0758 595818  Tel:   0702 038705 ; 0772 691585
               Email:          0792 401180 ; 0712 401180
                                              Email: /   Kitovu: Kitovu Sub Region, Kitovu Hospital
               Sita Opticals Limited                                         Tel:   0481 420097 ; 0701 785600
               Plot 87, Kampala Road          Ropheka Physiotheraphy
               Tel:    0772 463537            Plot 80A, Old Kira Road, Bukoto  Lira: Lira Blood Collection Centre - Lira
                                              Tel:    0312 513629            Hospital
               UMC Opticals                                      0772 496028  Tel:   0772 608006
               Plot 1495, Bukoto, Kira Road                                                     0702 913442
               Tel: 0713 222555               Sonia Physiotherapy Clinic
               Email:  Plot 250, Soweto Road, Kansanga  Masaka: Masaka Blood Collection Centre -
                                              Tel:   0392 003166 ; 0704 950230  Masaka Hospital
               UPMB Optical Unit                                             Tel:   0701 053402
               Plot 877, Balintuma Road, Mengo  Surs Healthcare Physiotherapy Clinic
               Tel:   0414 271776             Plot 88, Master Plaza,         Mbarara: Mbarara Regional Blood Bank
               Email:  Opp. Watoto Central Church, Kampala   Kitunzi Road, Kakyeka - Kamukuzi
                                              Tel:   0750 988925             Tel: 0485 321317 ; 0772 479318
               UPMB Optical Centre (New branch)                     0779 855964
               Sturrock Road, Kololo, Opp. Acacia Mall Exit  Email:  Mbale: Mbale Regional Blood Bank - Next to
               Tel:   0392 178284                                            Mbale Hospital
                                                                             Tel:   0454 433572 ; 0772 608302
                                                   CHIROPRACTIC CARE         Rukungiri: Rukungiri Blood Collection Centre -
               WB Eye Consult Centre                    SERVICES             Rubale Road, Rukungiri Town
               Plot 56A, Lower Churchil, Laroo                               Tel:   0772 896563 ; 0702 896563
               Tel:       0772 474848         Chiropractic Unit - Mulago Hospital
               Email:  Dr. Charles Sebwana            Soroti: Soroti Blood Collection Centre
                                              Tel:   0772 473045             Soroti Hospital
                           MBALE              Email:  Tel:   0782 487818
               Town Eye Clinic                Dr. Sarah Worthington              FUNERAL & MORTUARY
               Morthern, Plot 17A, Pallisa Road  Tel:   0752 994469                    SERVICES
               Tel:       0772 669880         Email:
                                              Nerves and Bones Rehabilitation Centre  A-Plus Funeral Management Limited
                                      MBARARA  Plot 24, Block A, Minister’s Village, Ntinda  Plot 1055, Nsambya Hill, Ggaba Road
                                              Tel:   0755 927058; 0779-585547  Tel:   0782 482888 ; 0706 156 685
               Eye Wear Point                 Email:  Email:
               High Street (Opp. Stanbic Bank)
               Tel:    0752 696837                                           Funeral Home Uganda Ltd
               Email:    BLOOD DONATION           Plot15/17, 2nd Street,
                                                                             Industrial Area, Kampala
               Mbarara Eye Centre                       SERVICES             Tel:   0392 961627
               Plot 24, Bananuka Drive, Kakoba
               Tel:    0772 415184            Uganda Blood Transfusion Service  Kampala Funeral Directors
               Email:  Nakasero Blood Bank        Bukoto-Ntinda Road
                                              Plot 69/3, Nakasero Road, Nakasero Hill.  Tel:   0312 533533 ;  0717 533533
               Ruharo Eye Centre              P.O. Box 1772, Kampala         Email:
               Church Road, Mbarara Municipality  Tel:    0414 257155
               Tel:   0485 444179                                0414 259010  Mulago Complex Hospital - Mortuary
                                              Toll Free No.: 0800 122422     Mulago Hill, Mulago
                          TORORO              Director’s Line: 0414 259195   Tel:   0782 370257
               Benedictine Eye Hospital       Website:        Rusaka Funeral Directors
               Tororo Municipality,                                          Najanakumbi, Entebbe Road
               Plot M44, Kwapa Road           Ambassador House Blood Collection Centre  Tel:   0312 282061 ; 0712 700066
               Tel:       0392 960082 ; 0772 747282  Lower Basement, Kampala Road
               Email:  Tel:   0414 257155 / 257484 / 259191  Uganda Funeral Services
                                                                             Plot 80A, Old Kira Road, Bukoto
                                                                             Tel:   0414 535678 ; 0414 258044 ;
                     PHYSIOTHERAPHY             UPCOUNTRY BLOOD BANKS               0772 592000 ; 0772 493812
                         SERVICES                & COLLECTION CENTRES        Email:
                                                                             Victoria Funeral Services
                          KAMPALA             Arua: Arua Regional Blood Bank   Plot 395, Senkimbi Road, Nkonge
               Allied Medical & Physiotherapy   Arua Hospital                Tel:   0782 556678 ; 0792 112999
                                                     0702 640166 ; 0772 640166
               Central, Plot 90, Ben Kiwanuka Street                         Email:
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