Page 13 - Uganda Health Care Directory 2024
P. 13

Precision for health

                    Medicine demands the best

                                                                            seca 777
                                                                            Digital column scale with eye-level
                                                                            display and built-in measuring rod

                      seca 354                   seca 874
                                                                            seca 952
                      (OHFWURQLF EDE\ VFDOH ZLWK À QH JUDGXDWLRQ    Flat scale for mobile use with mother-child
                      DOVR XVDEOH DV Á DW VFDOH IRU FKLOGUHQ  function, push buttons and double display  Chair scale for weighing while seated

                                                Crown Healthcare (U) Limited  Tel: + 256 414 250 222
                  207180002019                  Industrial Area,  Tel: + 256 776 250 222  More information at
                                                Plot 118-120, 7th Street,
                                                Kampala, Uganda
                                                               Tel: + 256 772 250 222
                                                                                                22.07.2019   15:58:24
                 FO-750_Anzeige_Zaddock_Associates_SI_UG_19_A4_01.indd   1
               Healthcare Insight Issue 18                                 UGANDA Healthcare Directory  ix
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